Bedfont Trading Estate - Submission to West London Waste Plan
Minerals and waste development proposals are generally locally controversial and requiring of expert management. We have have significant experience of managing the specialist teams need to deal with the environmental, design and community issues, gained through working on proposals (including appeals) for waste transfer stations, recycling facilities, landfill sites, quarries and biomass facilities.
Bedfont Trading Estate - Submission to West London Waste Plan
Brick Kiln - Effingham. Commercial compositing and manufacture of artificial top soil and crushing to produce recycled aggregate. Enforcement Appeal.
Down Farm, Odiham - Planning Permission for forced air composting facility, bunkers, concrete working slab and associated buildings. Environmental Permit
Capital House, Woodham. C & D waste recycling, Planning Application & expert planning witness at Planning Inquiry, Discharge of Conditions.
1. Golding Barn Quarry, South Downs National Park, buttressing bunds required by the HSE. Discharge of Conditions and Environment Agency Permit. 2. Golding Barn Quarry comprehensive landscape restoration using 500 000 cubic metres of controlled waste. Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning Permission. Tier 4 Bespoke Environment Agency Permit.
Wiggins Transport, Poyle near Heathrow, C & D waste recycling on 8 acre site, co-ordination of specialist evidence & planning witness at Planning Appeal Inquiry.
Copthorne Inert Waste Recycling - Planning Permission and Certificate of Lawfulness
St Albans Farm, Hounslow - Demolition Waste Recycling, Expert planning witness at Appeal Inquiry.