Go Fit Go Box Gym at Chessington - granted further to appeal hearing
We help businesses such as restaurants, gyms, builders merchants, shops, garden centres, coach operators, hauliers, veterinary surgeries, and child day care centres to achieve the planning permissions needed for their businesses to succeed and expand.
Go Fit Go Box Gym at Chessington - granted further to appeal hearing
The Hunts Cafe, Chessington Business Centre - granted further to appeal hearing
Willetts House Veterinary Surgery, Addleston - Planning Permission for change of use, Shop to Veterinary Surgery
Piglets Children’s Activity Centre, Hersham. Green Belt site - Planning permission to convert a farm shop to Use Class D1
Central Parking Limited, Heathrow, extension to Coach Depot in the Green Belt.
Hunts Transport, Addleston - Planning Permissions for HGV parking and maneuvering layout, new entrance and noise attenuation fence, and HGV drivers welfare facility
Cobham Park Veterinary Surgery - planning permission for change of use to allow veterinary surgery in Green Belt barn conversion. Planning appeal won for new building to accommodate an additional vet.
Glen Angels Child Day Care - Downside, Cobham. Class D1 pre-school facility in the Green Belt for 30 children including design of new playroom building.
Builders Merchants outlets across England - Design advice, applications, appeals, negotiations with planning authorities, discharge of conditions, legal agreements.
Bourne Valley Garden Centre, Green Belt site near Woodham HGV Routes and Building Extensions and canopied display area - Applications and Appeals
Red Balloon Child Day Care, Weybridge Town Centre, Change of Use to Class D1 Non- Residential Institutions - accommodating 56 children