Setplan has track record for securing the Environmental Permits necessary for minerals and waste operations such as quarry excavation and restoration, waste recycling and management, as well as energy recovery, by managing and co-ordinating the complex specialist inputs required. We co-ordinate the teams of specialist consultants in fields such as landscape architecture, visual impact assessment, hydrogeology, soil and air contamination, ecology/land management, noise impact and civil engineering, etc. to prepare applications to the Environment Agency for the various tiers of Environmental Permits.
Down Farm, Odiham - Recovery Permit for green waste composting
Malling Brooks Industrial Estate, Lewes - Environmental Permit for recovery of controlled waste used for land raising above tidal flood waters.
Golding Barn Quarry construction of supporting bunds prior to comprehensive landscape restoration.
Golding Barn Quarry Initial landscaping scheme - Environmental Permit for recovery of controlled waste - 500 000 cubic metre landscape restoration in the South Downs National Park